Python for
Scientific Computing

a.k.a. Python compilers for the masses

Proudly made in Namek by serge-sans-paille


Serge « sans paille » Guelton

$ whoami
  • R&D engineer at QuarksLab on compilation for security
  • Associate researcher at Télécom Bretagne
  • Core dev of the Open Source Pythran compiler for Numerical Python

Python for Science

  • Portable, scriptable language
  • Clean (?) syntax
  • Rich ecosystem
  • Enthusiast community, esp. in science

  • Base Array Package, native data structure
  • Exposes C routines
  • linear algebra, Fourier transform and random number


  • Stats
  • Integration, Interpolate, Regression,
  • Signal Processing
  • Image Processing
  • Clustering
  • Sparse linear algebra...

Plotting for the Mass!

  • Interactive shell with completion, history, magics...
  • Notebook kernel for reproducible science
  • Provides tools for parallel computing

And Many Others

  • Symbolic mathematics with SymPy
  • Data structure and analysis with pandas
  • Machine learning with sckit-learn
  • ...

What about Performance?

Myth #1: Python is slow

A language is not slow, but it can make it hard for compilers to make it run fast

Myth #2: Python is too dynamic for HPC

Scientific code written in Python looks like FORTRAN

function rosen(x, n)
  real(8) :: x(n),t0(n-1), t1(n-1)
  real(8) rosen
  t0 = 100 * (x(2:n) - (x(1:n-1)** 2))** 2
  t1 = (1 - x(1:n-1)** 2)
  rosen = sum(t0 + t1)
end function
import numpy as np
def rosen(x):
    t0 = 100 * (x[1:] - x[:-1] ** 2) ** 2
    t1 = (1 - x[:-1]) ** 2
    return np.sum(t0 + t1)

Myth #3: NumPy is fast

Its design suffers from several critical drawbacks

  • Spawns many intermediate array
  • Very slow indexing (but relatively fast vector operations)
  • No parallelization
  • No vectorization

Uses the BLAS/MKL for linear algebra though

Here comes compilers

for Python/Numpy codes

Turn annotated code into C extension

  • C with a Python look and feel
  • Performance close to C
  • Explicit Parallelism
  • Can call C code
  • Loose Backward compatibility

cdef inline int mandel(double real, double imag, int max_iterations=20):
    cdef double z_real = 0., z_imag = 0.
    cdef int i
    for i in range(0, max_iterations):
        z_real, z_imag = ( z_real*z_real - z_imag*z_imag + real,
                           2*z_real*z_imag + imag )
        if (z_real*z_real + z_imag*z_imag) >= 4:
            return i
    return -1


  • Just-In-Time compiler
  • Targets full language support
  • Limited native module support (incl. Numpy)
  • Successful Numpypy project

def mandel(real, imag, max_iterations=20):
    z_real, z_imag = 0., 0.
    for i in range(0, max_iterations):
        z_real, z_imag = ( z_real*z_real - z_imag*z_imag + real,
                           2*z_real*z_imag + imag )
        if (z_real*z_real + z_imag*z_imag) >= 4:
            return i
    return -1


  • Just-In-Time compiler
  • Strong industrial support
  • GPGPU backend
  • Works best on explicit loops
  • Based on LLVM

from numba import autojit
def mandel(real, imag, max_iterations=20):
    z_real, z_imag = 0., 0.
    for i in range(0, max_iterations):
        z_real, z_imag = ( z_real*z_real - z_imag*z_imag + real,
                           2*z_real*z_imag + imag )
        if (z_real*z_real + z_imag*z_imag) >= 4:
            return i
    return -1

  • Just-In-Time compiler
  • Supports a limited subset of Python, focused on Numpy
  • Represents Numpy functions in terms a few skeletons
  • Very efficient and easy to install
  • Implicit parallelism (OpenMP | GPGPU)

from parakeet import jit
def mandel(real, imag, max_iterations=20):
    z_real, z_imag = 0., 0.
    for i in range(0, max_iterations):
        z_real, z_imag = ( z_real*z_real - z_imag*z_imag + real,
                           2*z_real*z_imag + imag )
        if (z_real*z_real + z_imag*z_imag) >= 4:
            return i
    return -1


  • Ahead-Of-Time compiler
  • Turn whole Python modules into native modules
  • Supports a large subset of Python, including Exceptions, generators, named parameters...
  • Requires exported function type annotation as comments

#pythran export mandel(float, float, int)
def mandel(real, imag, max_iterations=20):
    z_real, z_imag = 0., 0.
    for i in range(0, max_iterations):
        z_real, z_imag = ( z_real*z_real - z_imag*z_imag + real,
                           2*z_real*z_imag + imag )
        if (z_real*z_real + z_imag*z_imag) >= 4:
            return i
    return -1

How do they Compare?

Relative speedups on the mandelbrot example
Python CPython 2.7.6 1.0
Python CPython 2.7.6 with -O 1.0
Cython Cython 0.20.1post0 1.6
Annotated Cython Cython 0.20.1post0 95.8
Python3 CPython 3.4.0 0.9
Python Jython 2.5.3 3.4
Python PyPy 2.3.1 82.8
Python Parakeet 0.23.2 68.8
Python Pythran 0.5.0 92.7
C GCC 4.8.2 with -O2 103.3

We don't need no loops

Python/Numpy == high level programming

reliab = zeros((N,N))
for i in range(N):
    for j in range(N):
        if random() < 0.6:
            reliab[i,j] = 1
            reliab[i,j] = 0
reliab = numpy.int32(numpy.random.rand(N,N) < 0.6)

Crowd-sourced benchs

def cronbach(itemscores):
    itemvars = itemscores.var(axis=1, ddof=1)
    tscores = itemscores.sum(axis=0)
    nitems = len(itemscores)
    return nitems / (nitems-1) * (1 - itemvars.sum() / tscores.var(ddof=1))
  • Python, (num)PyPy, Numba, Parakeet, Pythran
  • Cython not considered (not a Python compiler!)


Optimization Opportunities

def l2norm(x):
    return np.sqrt(np.sum(np.abs(x) ** 2, axis=1))
  1. Avoid temporary allocations from np.abs(x)**2
  2. Do not rely on Numpy's np.sum(..., axis=1)
  3. Parallelize the np.sum(..., axis=1)
  4. Vectorize the np.abs(x) ** 2

The Pythran way

#pythran export l2norm(float32[][])
def l2norm(x):
    return np.sqrt(np.sum(np.abs(x)**2, axis=1))
$> pythran -march=native -fopenmp

Remove Temporaries

Loop Approach

Inlining + Loop fusion + scalarization + use-def elimination

->Expression Approach<-

Forward Substitution + Expression Templates

Loop Unrolling

A generic approach to loop unrolling

for i in range(3):

(Forward Substitution +) Constant Folding

for i in [0, 1, 2]:

Loop Full Unrolling

i = 0
i = 1
i = 2

Use-def elimination...


Use SSE or AVX vector registers of modern CPUs

Pythran's runtime is partially vectorized thanks to Boost.SIMD

Vectorization Effect

Chef's Selection

pythran with clang -O2
benchseq (µs)SSEAVX
allpairs_distances1711916 673
arc_distance1020 613 414
l2norm913 577 494
rosen1234 1096 997
slowparts1154 1176 848
vibr_energy1518 769 570

Explicit Parallelization

OpenMP for Python

def hyantes(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, step, range_, range_x, range_y, t):
    X,Y = t.shape
    pt = np.zeros((X,Y))
    #omp parallel for
    for i in range(X):
        for j in range(Y):
            for k in t:
                tmp = 6368.* np.arccos( np.cos(xmin+step*i)*np.cos( k[0] ) * np.cos((ymin+step*j)-k[1])+  np.sin(xmin+step*i)*np.sin(k[0]))
                if tmp < range_:
                    pt[i,j]+=k[2] / (1+tmp)
    return pt

Implicit Parallelization

Point-to-point operations

a = np.random.rand(n, m)
b = np.random.rand(3, n - 1)
c = a[1:,:-1] + 3 * b[i]


a = np.random.rand(n, m)
b = np.random.rand(n, m)
c = np.sum(a ** 2 + b ** 2)

Performance Comparison

Average execution time (µs) - no paral., no vec.
Python parakeet pythran -march=native
allpairs_distances 38129 1784 1713667
allpairs_distances_loops 49750 1794 16811654
conv 1916161 2040 18791880
growcut 1967622 2203 59765841
harris 5595 5246 29492863
hasting 8 57 11
hyantes 255760 1882 18811820
julia 2761543 2938 25782504
l2norm 5483 12648 919494
multiple_sum 3026 8394 12451029
pairwise 3742614 3708 35633507
rosen 14168 1625 1238992

eDSL Toolbox

  • Pythran is an embedded DSL
  • Provides a toolbox for other eDSLs
    • Language lowering (tuple unpacking, nested functions, named parameters...)
    • Code Analyses (closure, aliasing, dependencies...)

Academic Results

  • Pythran: Enabling Static Optimization of Scientific Python Programs, S. Guelton, P. Brunet et al. in CSD, under review
  • Exploring the Vectorization of Python Constructs Using Pythran and Boost SIMD, S. Guelton, J. Falcou and P. Brunet, in WPMVP, 2014
  • Compiling Python modules to native parallel modules using Pythran and OpenMP Annotations, S. Guelton, P. Brunet and M. Amini, in PyHPC, 2013
  • Pythran: Enabling Static Optimization of Scientific Python Programs, S. Guelton, P. Brunet et al. in SciPy, 2013

Powered by Strong Engineering

Preprequisite for reproductible science


Serge Guelton, Pierrick Brunet, Mehdi Amini, Adrien Merlini, Alan Raynaud, Eliott Coyac...
Silkan, -->You<--
#pythran on FreeNode,, GitHub repo