Pythran stories

xsimd - again

Note: I'm publishing this article the 26th of March, 2023, because… I forgot to do this when I wrote it some two years ago :-)

xsimd is a header-only C++11 library that provides an efficient abstraction for Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) programming based on the vector instruction sets available in commodity hardware: SSE, AVX, Neon etc.

Many such libraries exist: boost.simd from which xsimd got originallay derived, MIPP from the academia, eve developped by Joel Flacou in C++20, std-simd which implements ISO/IEC TS 19570:2018 Section 9 "Data-Parallel Types" or simdpp that supports Intel, ARM, PowerPC and MIPP targets.

Each library support different combination of API, architecture and utilities, but the goal of this post is not to discuss the merti of each, just to showcase one approach that at least simdpp supports and that wasn't available in xsimd.

The Problem

Let's consider the following code, that performs a school-book mean between two vectors:

void mean(const std:vector<double>& a, const std::vector<double>& b, std::vector<double>& res)
    std::size_t size = res.size();
    for(std::size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
        res[i] = (a[i] + b[i]) / 2;

According to the documentation, the xsimd implementation would be:

void mean(const std::vector<double>& a, const std::vector<double>& b, std::vector<double>& res)
    using b_type = xsimd::simd_type<double>;
    std::size_t inc = b_type::size;
    std::size_t size = res.size();
    // size for which the vectorization is possible
    std::size_t vec_size = size - size % inc;
    for(std::size_t i = 0; i < vec_size; i += inc)
        b_type avec = xsimd::load_unaligned(&a[i]);
        b_type bvec = xsimd::load_unaligned(&b[i]);
        b_type rvec = (avec + bvec) / 2;
        xsimd::store_unaligned(&res[i], rvec);
    // Remaining part that cannot be vectorize
    for(std::size_t i = vec_size; i < size; ++i)
        res[i] = (a[i] + b[i]) / 2;

When compiling this kernel, one need to pass specific architecture flags to tell the compiler which architecture is targeted, e.g. -mavx to tell the compiler the machine this code is compiled for supports AVX. In turns, xsimd picks that architecture and the generic code above actually turns into AVX-specific code.

A problem arise when the target architecture details are not known, for instance when distributing a compiled program in the wild: is AVX2 available? SSE4? One option is to set minimal requirements, but that means not taking advantage of the target actual full potential.

The (well-known) solution is to generate one version of the code per architecture we want to support, and let a runtime dispatcher inspect at runtime which version to pick.

Dispatching Vectorized Kernel

Let's take advantage of a new feature of xsimd that makes it possible to explicitely state the architecture we want to support:

struct mean
    template<typename Arch>
    void operator()(Arch, const std::vector<double>& a, const std::vector<double>& b, std::vector<double>& res)
        // this is the only changing line
        using b_type = xsimd::arch::batch<double, Arch>;

        std::size_t inc = b_type::size;
        std::size_t size = res.size();
        std::size_t vec_size = size - size % inc;
        for(std::size_t i = 0; i < vec_size; i += inc)
            b_type avec = xsimd::load_unaligned(&a[i]);
            b_type bvec = xsimd::load_unaligned(&b[i]);
            b_type rvec = (avec + bvec) / 2;
            xsimd::store_unaligned(&res[i], rvec);
        for(std::size_t i = vec_size; i < size; ++i)
            res[i] = (a[i] + b[i]) / 2;

By making the target architecture explicit through a template parameter, it is possible to generate different version of the code, one per target architecture, while still maintaining a single version of the code.

xsimd now also provides a utility function to create a dispatcher from a functor as the one above (that's why we're using a functor, remember xsimd supports C++11, so no auto lambda magic ;-):

using archs = xsimd::arch_list<xsimd::avx2, xsimd::sse2>;
auto generic_mean = xsimd::arch::dispatch<archs>(mean{});

generic_mean can be called as the original mean function, without speicifying the Arch argument. Internally, it performs a runtime dispatch depending on the target it's running on. From a developper point of view, one needs to specify all targeted platforms at compile-time, say -msse4 -mavx2 -mavx512, all three versions of the code will be compiled in the final binary, but only the relevant one gets executed (thank you, no SIGILL).

This is now all documented in!


Dispatching based on the running platform is not new. The ELF format even has an extension to support this pattern through ifunc. Nevertheless it was fun to implement and that's a great addition to xsimd! Now I need to think about integrating that in Pythran ;-)


Thanks a lot to Johan Mabille for the reviews, the jokes and the chatting (in no particular order).

Special thanks to Joël Flacou for inspiring this work in so many ways.