Pythran stories

Micro-Benchmarking Julia, C++ and Pythran on an Economics kernel

The benchmark

First there was a paper [0], in the paper there was a github [1] and in the github [1] some benchmarks. In my case I wanted to re-run the Julia code because the language is changing quickly and so may run better now. But the day before I discovered Pythran so why not test both?

And so let's re-run two benchmarks: C++ , Julia and add a new one, Pythran.

C++ results

Compiling and running the C++ code was easy:

% g++ -O3 RBC_CPP.cpp -o testcpp


% ./testcpp
Output = 0.562731, Capital = 0.178198, Consumption = 0.384533
Iteration = 1, Sup Diff = 0.0527416
Iteration = 10, Sup Diff = 0.0313469
Iteration = 20, Sup Diff = 0.0187035
Iteration = 230, Sup Diff = 3.87636e-07
Iteration = 240, Sup Diff = 2.32197e-07
Iteration = 250, Sup Diff = 1.39087e-07
Iteration = 257, Sup Diff = 9.71604e-08

My check = 0.146549
Elapsed time is   = 2.40271

Julia results

The Julia code:

we run julia:

julia> @time main()
Output = 0.5627314338711378 Capital = 0.178198287392527 Consumption = 0.3845331464786108
Iteration = 1 Sup Diff = 0.05274159340733661
Iteration = 10 Sup Diff = 0.031346949265852075
Iteration = 20 Sup Diff = 0.01870345989335709
Iteration = 230 Sup Diff = 3.876361940324813e-7
Iteration = 240 Sup Diff = 2.3219657929729465e-7
Iteration = 250 Sup Diff = 1.3908720952748865e-7
Iteration = 257 Sup Diff = 9.716035642703957e-8

My check = 0.1465491436962635
3.001183 seconds (3.84 k allocations: 703.276 MB, 0.68% gc time)

Not bad!

Python: Pythran and Numba

Now some pythran code, we use the Numba version as starter: so we remove the Numba decorator and replace it by a Pythran comment:

from numba import autojit

def innerloop(bbeta, nGridCapital, gridCapitalNextPeriod, mOutput, nProductivity, vGridCapital, expectedValueFunction, mValueFunction, mValueFunctionNew, mPolicyFunction):


#pythran export innerloop(float, int, int, float[][], int, float[], float[][], float[][], float[][], float[][])

def innerloop(bbeta, nGridCapital, gridCapitalNextPeriod, mOutput, nProductivity, vGridCapital, expectedValueFunction, mValueFunction, mValueFunctionNew, mPolicyFunction):

Easy? not quite... while pythranisation of the code, something went wrong, but no idea why! With some (many) help, the solution was found: the idea was to extract the innerloop into a new file and run Pythran on it then calling it from the main code.

The function is in and the main code is

Let's run the code:

% time python2
Output =  0.562731433871  Capital =  0.178198287393  Consumption =  0.384533146479
Iteration =  1 , Sup Diff =  0.0527415934073
Iteration =  10 , Sup Diff =  0.0313469492659
Iteration =  20 , Sup Diff =  0.0187034598934
Iteration =  230 , Sup Diff =  3.87636194032e-07
Iteration =  240 , Sup Diff =  2.32196579297e-07
Iteration =  250 , Sup Diff =  1.39087209527e-07
python2  2,45s user 0,08s system 94% cpu 2,666 total

And it is very nice!

And just for fun, the Numba version:

% time python2
Output =  0.562731433871  Capital =  0.178198287393  Consumption =  0.384533146479
Iteration =  1 , Sup Diff =  0.0527415934073
Iteration =  10 , Sup Diff =  0.0313469492659
Iteration =  20 , Sup Diff =  0.0187034598934
Iteration =  230 , Sup Diff =  3.87636194032e-07
Iteration =  240 , Sup Diff =  2.32196579297e-07
Iteration =  250 , Sup Diff =  1.39087209527e-07
Iteration =  257 , Sup Duff =  9.71603566491e-08

My Check =  0.146549143696
Elapse time = is  3.00302290916

So in the end we have:

Language Time
C++ 2.4 sec
Pythran 2.4 sec
Numba 3.0 sec
Julia 3.0 sec

These benchs were run on a modest Pentium R 3550M @ 2.3GHz

But what amaze me was the fact that with Pythran we were able to my high-end Intel i7 machine.


To conclude, Pythran is for me still young, like Julia, but for a little cost and no particular knowlegde you can get the same performances as C code in Python. It worth the time to take a look to Pythran.

So good luck Pythran!

[1](1, 2)