Pythran stories


#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <string>

const std::unordered_set<std::string> primary_colors = {"red", "green", "blue"};

int main(int argc, char const ** argv) {
    char const * color = argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "pink";
    return primary_colors.count(color) ? 0 : 1;

Let's compile and run the snippet above:

$ clang++ --version
clang version 14.0.5 (Fedora 14.0.5-2.fc36)
Target: x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /usr/bin

$ clang++ colors.cpp -O2 -o colors && ./colors green && echo ok

Let's be a bit more pedantic and turn all warnings on:

$ clang++ colors.cpp -Wall -O2 -o colors && ./colors green && echo ok

No, I meant really pedantic (so that you don't waste your time trying: -pedantic doesn't find anything else)

$ clang++ colors.cpp -Weverything -O2 -o colors && ./colors green && echo ok
 colors.cpp:5:56: warning: initialization of initializer_list object is incompatible with C++98 [-Wc++98-compat]
 const std::unordered_set<std::string> primary_colors = {"red", "green", "blue"};
 colors.cpp:5:39: warning: declaration requires an exit-time destructor [-Wexit-time-destructors]
 const std::unordered_set<std::string> primary_colors = {"red", "green", "blue"};
 colors.cpp:5:39: warning: declaration requires a global destructor [-Wglobal-constructors]
 3 warnings generated.

Now that's what I needed for my intro: -Wglobal-constructors (let's forget about C++98, right?). -Wexit-time-destructors is a subset of -Wglobal-constructors, so let's focus on global constructors.

Indeed we are creating a const unordered set named colors, but the initialization code has to happen at some point. None of its constructors is flagged as constexpr so the initialization happens at startup, before the call to the main function.

Why is it worth a warning? The clang manual is not very talkative on the subject, and the commit introducing the feature is not super helpful either, but it's getting better. We can guess the reasons: it can cause bugs (think Static Initialization Order Fiasco) and performance problems (increased startup time).

Warming up

The variable colors is a set that doesn't change in size after initialization. Back in the days I designed a small header-only C++ library called frozen that provides à la Python frozen containers that match the standard library interface, let's use this:

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include "frozen/unordered_set.h"
#include "frozen/string.h"

using namespace frozen::string_literals;

constexpr frozen::unordered_set<frozen::string, 3> primary_colors = {"red"_s, "green"_s, "blue"_s};

int main(int argc, char const ** argv) {
  frozen::string color = argc > 1 ? frozen::string(argv[1], std::strlen(argv[1])) : "pink"_s;
    return primary_colors.count(color) ? 0 : 1;

Changing a few namespaces, swapping a few headers and add some string literals and a container size, and we're done:

$ clang++ frozen_colors.cpp -Wall -Wglobal-constructors -O2 -o frozen_colors && ./frozen_colors green && echo ok

Great! No warning, job done! Job done? Let's double check the binary and run:

$ nm -C frozen_colors | grep _GLOBAL__
0000000000401070 t _GLOBAL__sub_I_frozen_colors.cpp

That's a bit suspicious, let's have a look at this symbol:

$ objdump -C -S --disassemble=_GLOBAL__sub_I_frozen_colors.cpp frozen_colors
0000000000401070 <_GLOBAL__sub_I_frozen_colors.cpp>:
  401070:   50                      push   %rax
  401071:   bf 3d 40 40 00          mov    $0x40403d,%edi
  401076:   e8 d5 ff ff ff          call   401050 <std::ios_base::Init::Init()@plt>
  40107b:   bf 60 10 40 00          mov    $0x401060,%edi
  401080:   be 3d 40 40 00          mov    $0x40403d,%esi
  401085:   ba 08 20 40 00          mov    $0x402008,%edx
  40108a:   58                      pop    %rax
  40108b:   e9 b0 ff ff ff          jmp    401040 <__cxa_atexit@plt>

Ah ah, <iostream>. The header was included out of habit in the example (totally by accident, not hand-crafted at all), and it didn't get reported by clang because it comes from a system header. Removing the useless header is indeed enough to get rid of the last global constructor of our toy program (note that we no longer have any destructor at exit either). And now that we have set the basics, let's start…

Digging Into Firefox's global constructor

There's still a lot of C++ code in Firefox's codebase. Statistically, there should be at least a dozen global constructors in it. A dozen? Hundreds! This Bug tracks the various attempt to remove some of them, the rest of this article is just a collection of the various situation in which global constructors have been successfully removed so far.

Bye bye, <iostream>

Using the example above, we can adopt a very simple strategy to detect all compilation units that include <iostream>:

objdump -C -d dist/bin/ > libxul.S  # cache this call as it takes a lot of time
nm -C dist/bin/ | awk '/_GLOBAL__/ { print $3 }' | while read sym ; do grep $sym libxul.S -A8 | grep -q std::ios_base::Init && echo $sym; done

Then depending on the situation, we can decide what to do with the headers:

  1. Keep it. Required if std::cout or std::cerr (or std::clog!) are used
  2. Replace it by <istream> or <ostream>, when only that part of the API is needed, typically when only std::ostream or std::istream are used.
  3. Remove it. This header is often included for debugging purpose and one forgets to remove it. Including myself ;-)

I've done so in Bug 1855955, but also in Bug 1854575 which was very satisfying because it removed the include from a google protobuf file, which was included in 33 compilation units! The patch also got accepted in the upstream protobuf repo.

Let it go, <frozen/*.h>

It is very common to have small hash tables to store data mapping, and the Firefox codebase typically have those:

All these commits have not landed yet, but I'm very happy to revive this classic I developed 5 years ago.

Hello, constexpr

The firefox code base uses C++17, so constinit is not a thing, but constexpr variables must be immediately initialized which implies no global constructor.

Sometimes, just setting the constructor and/or the declaration as constexpr is enough. Easy!

Many time the variable is a static const global std::string in the Firefox code base. They can be replaced by the internal nsLiteralCString class or by an std::string_view depending on the code they need to interact with. In both cases we save the runtime initialization of the string while keeping the nice encapsulation. We've done so in Bug 1854969 and Bug 1854490.

Special mention to Bug 563351 where making a constructor constexpr and declaring a single variable as a constexpr variable got rid of a global constructor for a static variable declared in a header, thus in all files including that header.

Bug 1854410 was somehow similar: static variables in a header. This time the object could not be made constexpr, but moving the initialization to the implementation file and having external variables decreased the overall number of duplication.

Measuring the Impact

Theoretically, these change should impact:

  1. Code size, as the initialization code is no longer needed;
  2. Startup time, as less code is executed at startup;
  3. Lookup time (in the case of frozen structures) because frozen::unordered_(set|map) use perfect hashing, and frozen::(set|map) use branch-less partitioning.

Point 1. may be balanced by the increase in data size (after all, the constexpr-initialized data structure must live somewhere). It turns out that in the case of firefox, the resulting is smaller by a dozen of kB after all the above changes.

Unfortunately, Point 2. and 3. are within the measurement noise on my setup.

Factually, those are not tremendous result, but let's not forget Point 4.: Things have been learnt in the process, and shared through this write up ;-)


Thanks to Sylvestre Ledru and Paul Adenot for proof-reading this post, and to all the reviewers of the above patches!