Pythran: Static Compilation of Parallel Scientific Kernels

a.k.a. Python/Numpy compiler for the mass

Proudly made in Namek by serge-sans-paille & pbrunet


Serge « sans paille » Guelton

$ whoami
  • R&D engineer at QuarksLab on compilation for security
  • Associate researcher at Télécom Bretagne
  • Soldier of fortune

Pythran in a snake shell

  • A Numpy-centric Python-to-NativeCode translator
  • A Python code optimizer
  • A Pythonic C++ library

Core concepts

  • Focus on high-level constructs
  • Generate clean high level code
  • Optimize Python code before generated code
  • Generate GIl-free, Python-free code
  • Vectorization and Parallelism
  • Test, test, test
  • Bench, bench, bench

Ask StackOverflow

when you're looking for test cases[...]numba-or-cython-acceleration-in-reaction-diffusion-algorithm
import numpy as np
def GrayScott(counts, Du, Dv, F, k):
    n = 300
    U = np.zeros((n+2,n+2), dtype=np.float32)
    V = np.zeros((n+2,n+2), dtype=np.float32)
    u, v = U[1:-1,1:-1], V[1:-1,1:-1]

    r = 20
    u[:] = 1.0
    U[n/2-r:n/2+r,n/2-r:n/2+r] = 0.50
    V[n/2-r:n/2+r,n/2-r:n/2+r] = 0.25
    u += 0.15*np.random.random((n,n))
    v += 0.15*np.random.random((n,n))

    for i in range(counts):
        Lu = (                 U[0:-2,1:-1] +
              U[1:-1,0:-2] - 4*U[1:-1,1:-1] + U[1:-1,2:] +
                               U[2:  ,1:-1] )
        Lv = (                 V[0:-2,1:-1] +
              V[1:-1,0:-2] - 4*V[1:-1,1:-1] + V[1:-1,2:] +
                               V[2:  ,1:-1] )
        uvv = u*v*v
        u += Du*Lu - uvv + F*(1 - u)
        v += Dv*Lv + uvv - (F + k)*v

    return V

Thread Summary

My code is slow with Cython and Numba
Best Answer
You need to make all loops explicit

Cython Version

cimport cython
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np

cpdef cythonGrayScott(int counts, double Du, double Dv, double F, double k):
    cdef int n = 300
    cdef np.ndarray U = np.zeros((n+2,n+2), dtype=np.float_)
    cdef np.ndarray V = np.zeros((n+2,n+2), dtype=np.float_)
    cdef np.ndarray u = U[1:-1,1:-1]
    cdef np.ndarray v = V[1:-1,1:-1]

    cdef int r = 20
    u[:] = 1.0
    U[n/2-r:n/2+r,n/2-r:n/2+r] = 0.50
    V[n/2-r:n/2+r,n/2-r:n/2+r] = 0.25
    u += 0.15*np.random.random((n,n))
    v += 0.15*np.random.random((n,n))

    cdef np.ndarray Lu = np.zeros_like(u)
    cdef np.ndarray Lv = np.zeros_like(v)
    cdef int i, c, r1, c1, r2, c2
    cdef double uvv

    cdef double[:, ::1] bU = U
    cdef double[:, ::1] bV = V
    cdef double[:, ::1] bLu = Lu
    cdef double[:, ::1] bLv = Lv

    for i in range(counts):
        for r in range(n):
            r1 = r + 1
            r2 = r + 2
            for c in range(n):
                c1 = c + 1
                c2 = c + 2
                bLu[r,c] = bU[r1,c2] + bU[r1,c] + bU[r2,c1] + bU[r,c1] - 4*bU[r1,c1]
                bLv[r,c] = bV[r1,c2] + bV[r1,c] + bV[r2,c1] + bV[r,c1] - 4*bV[r1,c1]

        for r in range(n):
            r1 = r + 1
            for c in range(n):
                c1 = c + 1
                uvv = bU[r1,c1]*bV[r1,c1]*bV[r1,c1]
                bU[r1,c1] += Du*bLu[r,c] - uvv + F*(1 - bU[r1,c1])
                bV[r1,c1] += Dv*bLv[r,c] + uvv - (F + k)*bV[r1,c1]

    return V

Pythran version

Add this line to the original kernel:

#pythran export GrayScott(int, float, float, float, float)


$ python -m perf timeit -s 'from grayscott import GrayScott' 'GrayScott(40, 0.16, 0.08, 0.04, 0.06)'
Median +- std dev: 108 ms +- 2 ms
$ cython grayscott.pyx
$ clang grayscott.c `python-config --cflags --libs` -shared -fPIC -o -Ofast -march=native
$ python -m perf timeit -s 'from grayscott import GrayScott' 'GrayScott(40, 0.16, 0.08, 0.04, 0.06)'
Median +- std dev: 23.9 ms +- 0.3 ms
$ pythran -Ofast -march=native  # using same clang as backend
$ python -m perf timeit -s 'from grayscott import GrayScott' 'GrayScott(40, 0.16, 0.08, 0.04, 0.06)'
Median +- std dev: 12.9 ms +- 1.6 ms

Beware of Benchmarks(BoB)

GCC 6.3 Timings

$ gcc grayscott.c `python-config --cflags --libs` -shared -fPIC -o -O3 -march=native
$ python -m perf timeit -s 'from grayscott import GrayScott' 'GrayScott(40, 0.16, 0.08, 0.04, 0.06)'
Median +- std dev: 26.4 ms +- 0.5 ms
$ CXX=g++ CC=gcc pythran -Ofast -march=native
$ python -m perf timeit -s 'from grayscott import GrayScott' 'GrayScott(40, 0.16, 0.08, 0.04, 0.06)'
Median +- std dev: 37.4 ms +- 0.5 ms

Lessons learnt

  • Explicit is not always better than implicit
  • Many ``optimization hints'' can be deduced by the compiler
  • High level constructs carry valuable informations
  • Each compiler has its strenghts

I am not saying Cython is bad. Cython does a great job. It is just pragmatic where Pythran is idealist

Compilation Challenges

u = U[1:-1,1:-1]
U[n/2-r:n/2+r,n/2-r:n/2+r] = 0.50
u += 0.15*np.random.random((n,n))

  • Array views
  • Value broadcasting
  • Temporary arrays creation
  • Extended slices composition
  • Numpy API calls

Optimization Opportunities

Lu = (U[0:-2,1:-1] + U[1:-1,0:-2]
  - 4*U[1:-1,1:-1] + U[1:-1,2:] + U[2:  ,1:-1])

  • Many useless temporaries
  • Lu could be forward-substituted
  • SIMD instruction generation opportunities
  • Parallel loop opportunities

Pythran Usage

$ pythran --help
usage: pythran [-h] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [-E] [-e] [-f flag] [-v] [-p pass]
               [-m machine] [-I include_dir] [-L ldflags]
               [-D macro_definition] [-O level] [-g]

pythran: a python to C++ compiler

positional arguments:
  input_file           the pythran module to compile, either a .py or a .cpp

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  -o OUTPUT_FILE       path to generated file
  -E                   only run the translator, do not compile
  -e                   similar to -E, but does not generate python glue
  -f flag              any compiler switch relevant to the underlying C++
  -v                   be verbose
  -p pass              any pythran optimization to apply before code
  -m machine           any machine flag relevant to the underlying C++
  -I include_dir       any include dir relevant to the underlying C++ compiler
  -L ldflags           any search dir relevant to the linker
  -D macro_definition  any macro definition relevant to the underlying C++
  -O level             any optimization level relevant to the underlying C++
  -g                   any debug level relevant to the underlying C++ compiler

It's a megablast!

Sample Usage

$ pythran # generates
$ pythran -E # generates input.cpp
$ pythran -O3 -fopenmp # parallel!
$ pythran -march=native -Ofast # Esod Mumixam !

Type Annotations

Only for exported functions

#pythran export foo0()
#pythran export foo1(int)

#pythran export foo2(float32[][])
#pythran export foo2(float64[][])
#pythran export foo2(int8[][][])

#pythran export foo3((int, float), int list, str:str dict)

Extra Type Annotations

Combine several signatures in one

#pythran export foo0(int or str)
#pythran export foo3(float32[][] or float32[], int or None)

Extern Type Annotations

foo.pythran file as a companion of

foo3((int, float), int list, str:str dict)

Pythran Compilation Flow

Front End

  • 100% based on the gast module
  • Supports
    • Several standard module (incl. partial Numpy)
    • Polymorphic functions
    • ndarray, list, tuple, dict, str, int, long, float
    • Named parameters, default arguments
    • Generators…
  • Does not Support
    • Non-implicitly typed code
    • Non-const Global variable
    • Most Python modules (no CPython mode!)
    • User-defined classes…

Middle End

Iteratively applies high level, Python-aware optimizations:

  • Interprocedural Constant Folding
  • For-Based-Loop Unrolling
  • Forward Substitution
  • Instruction Selection
  • Deforestation
  • Scalar Renaming
  • Dead Code Elimination

Fun Facts: can evaluate pure functions at compile time ☺

Back Ends

Python Back End

Useful for debugging!

C++11 Back End

  • C++11 implementation of __builtin__ numpy itertools
  • Lazy evaluation through Expression Templates
  • Relies on OpenMP and boost::simd for the parallelization / vectorization

C++11: Typing

the W.T.F. slide

Pythran translates Python implicitly statically typed polymorphic code into C++ meta-programs that are instanciated for the user-given types, and specialize them for the target architecture

In case of errors, it performes some fuzzy type inference to produce a decent error message

C++11: Parallelism


Array operations and several numpy functions are written using OpenMP and Boost.simd


OpenMP 3 support, ported to Python

#omp parallel for reduction(+:r)
for i, v in enumerate(l):
    r += i * v

OpenMP Extra


  • Atomic clause
  • Critical clause
  • Task clause
  • libomp through a custom import omp

Trickz #0

Cython coupling

Cython version 0.26

# cython: np_pythran=True
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as cnp

def diffuse_numpy(cnp.ndarray[double, ndim=2] u, int N):
    cdef cnp.ndarray[double, ndim=2] temp = np.zeros_like(u)
    mu = 0.1

    for n in range(N):
        temp[1:-1, 1:-1] = u[1:-1, 1:-1] + mu * (
            u[2:, 1:-1] - 2L * u[1:-1, 1:-1] + u[0:-2, 1:-1] +
            u[1:-1, 2:] - 2L * u[1:-1, 1:-1] + u[1:-1, 0:-2])
        u[:, :] = temp[:, :]
        temp[:, :] = 0.0

Thanks to Adrien Guinet & OpenDreamKit!

Trickz #1

Generate pure c++ code

$ pythran -e
  • No Python conversion code, C-API handling etc
  • Very under-tested
  • Started as a joke, but…

Trickz #2

Releasing the GIL

Get speedup from that kind of code:

threads = [Thread(target=pythranized, args=[i])
           for i in range(1, thread_count)]
for thread in threads:
for thread in threads:

Trickz #3

Jupyter Integration

Pythran magic cell:

%%pythran -O3
import numpy as np
def arc_distance(theta_1, phi_1, theta_2, phi_2):
    temp = (np.sin((theta_2-theta_1)/2)**2
           + np.cos(theta_1)*np.cos(theta_2) * np.sin((phi_2-phi_1)/2)**2)
    distance_matrix = 2 * np.arctan2(np.sqrt(temp), np.sqrt(1-temp))
    return distance_matrix

Trickz #4

Fancy Indexing and the likes

Pythran supports

  • Lazy evaluation (incl. for np.where
  • Broadcasting
  • Expression Broadcasting (overhead there)
  • <ufunc>.accumulate

A collection of high-level benchmarks

  • Code gathered from StackOverflow + other compiler code base
  • Mostly high-level code
  • Generate results for CPython, PyPy, Numba, Parakeet, Hope and Pythran
Most kernels are too high level for Numba and Hope…


no parallelism, no vectorisation (, no fat)

(Num)Focus: growcut

From the Numba codebase!

#pythran export growcut(float[][][], float[][][], float[][][], int)
import math
import numpy as np
def window_floor(idx, radius):
    if radius > idx:
        return 0
        return idx - radius

def window_ceil(idx, ceil, radius):
    if idx + radius > ceil:
        return ceil
        return idx + radius

def growcut(image, state, state_next, window_radius):
    changes = 0
    sqrt_3 = math.sqrt(3.0)

    height = image.shape[0]
    width = image.shape[1]

    for j in xrange(width):
        for i in xrange(height):

            winning_colony = state[i, j, 0]
            defense_strength = state[i, j, 1]

            for jj in xrange(window_floor(j, window_radius),
                             window_ceil(j+1, width, window_radius)):
                for ii in xrange(window_floor(i, window_radius),
                                 window_ceil(i+1, height, window_radius)):
                    if (ii != i and jj != j):
                        d = image[i, j, 0] - image[ii, jj, 0]
                        s = d * d
                        for k in range(1, 3):
                            d = image[i, j, k] - image[ii, jj, k]
                            s += d * d
                        gval = 1.0 - math.sqrt(s)/sqrt_3

                        attack_strength = gval * state[ii, jj, 1]

                        if attack_strength > defense_strength:
                            defense_strength = attack_strength
                            winning_colony = state[ii, jj, 0]
                            changes += 1

            state_next[i, j, 0] = winning_colony
            state_next[i, j, 1] = defense_strength

    return changes

(Num)Focus: growcut

Remember BoB?

(Num)Focus: arc_distance

That's some number crunching!

#pythran export arc_distance(float64 [], float64[],
#                            float64[], float64[])
import numpy as np
def arc_distance(theta_1, phi_1, theta_2, phi_2):
    tmp = (np.sin((theta_2-theta_1)/2)**2 +
    distance_matrix = 2 * (np.arctan2(np.sqrt(tmp),np.sqrt(1-tmp)))
    return distance_matrix

(Num)Focus: arc_distance

Academic Results

  • Pythran: Enabling Static Optimization of Scientific Python Programs, S. Guelton, P. Brunet et al. in CSD, 2015
  • Exploring the Vectorization of Python Constructs Using Pythran and Boost SIMD, S. Guelton, J. Falcou and P. Brunet, in WPMVP, 2014
  • Compiling Python modules to native parallel modules using Pythran and OpenMP Annotations, S. Guelton, P. Brunet and M. Amini, in PyHPC, 2013
  • Pythran: Enabling Static Optimization of Scientific Python Programs, S. Guelton, P. Brunet et al. in SciPy, 2013

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Preprequisite for reproductible science

We need more peons

  • Report performance bugs!
  • numpy.random and numpy.linalg


Serge Guelton, Pierrick Brunet + TB Student + Contributors
Silkan, NumScale, OpenDreamKit →You←
#pythran on FreeNode,, GitHub repo