Discover Pythran through 10 code samples

Serge « sans paille » Guelton

Compiler Engineer / Wood Craft Lover

EuroScipy — 31st August 2022

#0 Template Slide

#pythran export hello()
def hello():
  print("hello world")
$ pythran

#1 From scipy's

#pythran export _Aij(float[:,:], int, int)
#pythran export _Aij(int[:,:], int, int)
def _Aij(A, i, j):
  """Sum of upper-left and lower right blocks of
     contingency table."""
  # See `somersd` References [2] bottom of page 309
  return A[:i, :j].sum() + A[i+1:, j+1:].sum()

#2 From pyfiberamp's

#pythran export apply_reflection(float[][], int[], int[], float[],
#                                int)
def apply_reflection(P, source_idx, target_idx, R, n_forward):
  """Modifies `P` in-place."""
  for _source_idx, _target_idx, _R in zip(source_idx,
    if _source_idx < n_forward:
      P[_target_idx, -1] += _R * P[_source_idx, -2]
      P[_target_idx, 0] += _R * P[_source_idx, 1]

#3 From HandTracking's

import numpy as np


#pythran export get_rotation_angle_around_axis(float[],
#                                              float[],
#                                              float[])
def get_rotation_angle_around_axis(axis, p1, p2):
  v1 = normalize(p1 - axis *, axis))
  v2 = normalize(p2 - axis *, axis))
  cross = np.cross(v1, v2)
  if, cross) > 0:
    return np.arccos(, v2))

#4 From spectralDNS's

#pythran export _mult_K1j(float64[:], float64[:],
#                         complex128[:, :, :], complex128[:, :, :, :])
def _mult_K1j(Ky, Kz, a, f):
  for i in range(a.shape[0]):
    for j in range(a.shape[1]):
      for k in range(a.shape[2]):
        f[0, i, j, k] = 1j * Kz[k] * a[i, j, k]
        f[1, i, j, k] = -1j * Ky[j] * a[i, j, k]
  return f

#5 From obvz's

#pythran export pythran_ovlp(float64[:,:])
def pythran_ovlp(pos):
  nbr_nds = int(pos.shape[0]/2)
  nbr_pts = pos.shape[0]

  d = pos[:,np.newaxis] - pos[np.newaxis,:]

  h, w = d.shape
  # nrows/ncols : size of each cell -> 2
  nrows = ncols = 2

  res_ar = d.reshape(int(h/nrows), nrows, -1, ncols)

#6 From scikit-image's

#pythran export _hessian_matrix_det(float64[:,:], float or int)
def _hessian_matrix_det(img, sigma):
  size = int(3 * sigma)
  height, width = img.shape
  s2 = (size - 1) // 2
  s3 = size // 3
  l = size // 3
  w = size
  b = (size - 1) // 2
  out = np.empty_like(img, dtype=np.float64)
  w_i = 1.0 / size / size

#7 From scikit-image's

import numpy as np

#pythran export _brief_loop(float32[:,:] or float64[:,:], uint8[:,:],
#                           int64[:,2], int32[:,2], int32[:,2])
def _brief_loop(image, descriptors, keypoints, pos0, pos1):
  for p in range(pos0.shape[0]):
    pr0, pc0 = pos0[p]
    pr1, pc1 = pos1[p]
    for k in range(keypoints.shape[0]):
      kr, kc = keypoints[k]
      if image[kr + pr0, kc + pc0] < image[kr + pr1, kc + pc1]:
        descriptors[k, p] = True

#8 From scipy's

# pythran export within_block_loop(float64[:,:], float64[:,:],
#                                  (int, int) list, intp)
# pythran export within_block_loop(complex128[:,:], complex128[:,:],
#                                  (int, int) list, intp)

def within_block_loop(R, T, start_stop_pairs, nblocks):
  for start, stop in start_stop_pairs:
    for j in range(start, stop):
      for i in range(j-1, start-1, -1):
        s = 0
        if j - i > 1:
            # s = R[i, i+1:j] @ R[i+1:j, j]
            for k in range(i + 1, j):
                s += R[i, k] * R[k, j]

        denom = R[i, i] + R[j, j]
        num = T[i, j] - s
        if denom != 0:
            R[i, j] = (T[i, j] - s) / denom
        elif denom == 0 and num == 0:
            R[i, j] = 0
            raise RuntimeError('failed to find the matrix square root')

#9 From scikit-image's

from numpy.distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext as npy_build_ext
# ...
from pythran.dist import PythranBuildExt as pythran_build_ext
# ...

class ConditionalOpenMP(pythran_build_ext[npy_build_ext]):

  def can_compile_link(self, compile_flags, link_flags):

  def build_extensions(self):
    super(ConditionalOpenMP, self).build_extensions()

#10 From scipy's

if use_pythran
  _group_columns = custom_target('_group_columns',
    output: ['_group_columns.cpp'],
    input: '',
    command: [pythran, '-E', '@INPUT@', '-o',

  _group_columns = py3.extension_module('_group_columns',
    cpp_args: [
      '-Wno-unused-function', '-Wno-unused-variable',
      '-Wno-cpp', '-Wno-int-in-bool-context'
    ] + cpp_args_pythran,
    include_directories: [incdir_pythran, incdir_numpy],
    install: true,
    subdir: 'scipy/optimize'

Concluding Words